What is the meaning of life, anyways?

What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life? 

This is the big question almost people question themselves and others.

This is a five-minute writing attempt to answer the big question while I am practicing my writing skill (if I have any, LOL).

To me, life is about experiencing what you are given and what you are giving. I cannot find the better words to describe it at the moment. It is about you and your surroundings.

Stage One: It is about YOU and your world.

You are given life by your parents, maybe raised by them or someone’s else. This stage of your life, you are granted by others including your parents, friendship, education, skills, works, life experience, blah, blah, blah.

It is also is the moment you enjoy yourself. Kids, teenagers, and single people during this stage can be selfish, LOL.

Stage Two: It is about the WORLD, our world.

Some time later, you are able to give back to your former providers and others including strangers, your community, your country, other countries, even your fan (if you are a creative creator e.g. artist, actor, musician, writer...The next successful creators may be inspired by you).

This stage, you think less about yourself but others, especially your loved one or your noble cause. For example, if you are a parent, what is more important to you would be your kids, your family. Being a parent takes a lot of sacrifice. You might understand why nowadays, people do not want to raise a family. Because it takes a lot of giving than being given. 

Giving does not have to be money or precious things. It could be something simple like helping old people crossing the street, pickup trash where you walk. You get the point.

To those who are struggling to answer this big question, please remember this: Life should be simple. Be grateful for what you are given. Appreciate yourself for not giving up. Big or small, you might make an impact to someone’s else life for the better. You matter in this world. Teaching or helping your siblings homework might change their life. At least it is for me. 

My favourite Quote:

My father said there were two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better. - Marlo Thomas

This is a funny one, yet inspiring!

Last but not least, I wanna thank me

I wanna thank me for believing in me

I wanna thank me for doing all this hard work

I wanna thank me for having no days off

I wanna thank me for, for never quitting

I wanna thank me for always being a giver

And tryna give more than I recieve

I wanna thank me for tryna do more right than wrong

I wanna thank me for just being me at all times

Snoop Dogg, you an MVP (LOL)...

- Snoop Dogg

Until next time, Be a better you.


(You might wonder: Did you really write this in five-minute? Sadly, no. LOL. Mission failed.)

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